Almost time!!!
Our last full day at home was whirlwind blur of dropping keys to the rental agent, packing the house and scurryfunging (yes… it’s a word; slightly out of context). It didn’t help that I discovered that the post holding up the electrical conduit for one of the pumps had rotted and snapped causing me to make a hasty repair with a treated pine sleeper offcut (digging tools out of the shed that were neatly packed away)…
We had moved into the van the day before after dismantling our bed in the house and were living in the van in the driveway as we gradually moved the last of the furniture upstairs and into the container.
Those last few days can be be described as:

- Shipping container Tetris;
- Shed Jigsaw;
- Attic Furniture Suduko; and
- Aching arms, legs and backs.
Nothing is quite as much fun as trying to figure out where all the house keys you have accumulated over the years go into which locks and why there is a separate pile of keys that don’t seem to have any purpose in life…

Our last night was spent at a farewell Trivia Night with our Team Alaska friends plus two other trivia team members. We finished equal second and then moved into outright second after a magnificent tie-breaker where Fookie gave the closest answer to a question about the world record for the furthest distance a fresh egg has been successfully thrown and caught. Second was a PB for Team Alaska.
Hugs all round and a quick dump of our spare pantry goods and alcohol onto our friends and then back to our empty house for a last night in Royalla for one or more years…